Hi !! am Surendranath Reddy Gontu, my friends call me G S R. I have completed my UG(B-Tech). My passion in JAVA started while I was pursuing my UG. In fact, I am quite certain that I am not the same person that I was when I started my UG. I enjoy taking part in various extra-curricular activities like Singing, Dancing, Painting and believe me or not I can cook too!. I Loveee the music ..Who would'nt ?? Music is the bridge between Earth and Heaven.Basically I love doing stuff which is unique and challenging. Learning different things and helping my friends to know about all these is my main motto, which lead to the creation of my own Blogs regarding JAVA, Charity (http: // bornforhelp.blogspot.com), where I have posted all my thoughts, my study articles and many of my experiments. JAVA is a multipurpose tool helping me to design softwares, develop web sites and mobile applications. I am very crazy about working on JAVA to any extent.
My profile is on Orkut, Facebook and Google +. For contacting me on designing projects, discussions on Java, please email me or find me on Facebook to add me to your network. I am blogging this to help all my friends and all those who feel JAVA is a tough Programming language.To make JAVA easy and interesting, I am showing each concept in a pictorial representation,because a picture can speak more than a word and is easy to remember the concepts.I hope all who go through my blog regularly will definitely feel the ease of learning and working on JAVA .I will gladly help u in any issues regarding JAVA. Feel free to discuss any topic with me and in my blog. No matter how complicated the issue is.